Monday, May 13, 2013

Amazing Cloudscapes

I love to photography clouds.  I found this awesome site that you can print them to hang on the wall.  I like the idea of something unique.  I am looking at buying one of these soon.

Cloudscapes at Fine Art America

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More to the story

I want to write up more of our stories.  I have been trying to think up what type of animals describe my children.  My daughter would call her self a squid but she is really more like a caterpillar.  She is tricky, cute, and has the ability to blend in to her surroundings.  The real beauty of a caterpillar is the beautiful butterfly they turn into.  I see her changing everyday into something beautiful.

My son on other hand is her complete opposite.  He is fast, impulsive, smart, and funny and completely frustrating at times.  He shares many traits with the ferret but it isn't really the animal that defines him.  So, I'll think on it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

How the cat and the camel got started

My other half and I were talking today about a problem I was having with someone in school.  I was trying to explain that when someone pushes me too hard that I dig in my heels.  This person was pushing me to do something I felt I couldn't do.  When anyone is like this with me, I tend to start out polite.  It never fails that it comes down to a confrontation.

My other half explained that he was like a cat.  He liked to sit up high on the refrigerator and watch.  He didn't want to be in the middle of things or be included.  When pushed to do so, he said he gets  temperamental.  Now, when he wanted to join in he would.  For, the most part he liked to observe.

I told him I was like a mule. I'd go along with most things and then dig in my heels and not move.  I thought about it and explained that I really didn't want to think of myself as a mule.  So, he suggested I was more like a camel.  I could go a long way without much food, water, or care.  I liked to be helpful but when I was done... I was done. Nothing in heaven or hell would move me.  I agreed wholeheartedly with his assessment of me.  As I was walking away I yelled out..."Can a cat and camel be married?".  He said you should blog about it.  Thus this blog was born.